MyLapland LaplandUK

The Making of Lapland

The unique meeting at the depths of the Enchanted Forest of Hollywood film sets and 1000 incredible performers to create a world of wonder.

of Our Award Winning

To create a world with the ability to suspend disbelief, we craft our world at the heart of a woodland forest. Beautiful film sets become the backdrop for hundreds of West End performers as we create a world of true magnificence and wonder.

Set Design

The highest quality production has always been at the heart of Lapland as it is essential to creating a world families can belief in.

The Elves live in harmony with nature and this is felt through our production being seamlessly woven into the forest, nothing is straight in the Elven World, everything curly. It is a whimsical world full of charm that is created through thousands of props and an obsession with detail. But this world is not just anyone’s home, it is the home of Father Christmas and a world of complete magnificence.

The Cast

The beautiful sets set the scene, however, it is our incredible cast that bring them to life. Each Christmas, hundreds of talented actors become ‘The Lapland Folk’ to play all of the characters in the Elven World. Equally as excited as our visiting guests to be in Lapland, their joy in making memories is clear to all who they meet. Aligned on our mission to ‘Honour Childhood’, both the cast and guests will leave with memories they will hold for the rest of their life

Meet The Founders

Mother and father to four young boys, Mike and Alison Battle dreamt of revelling in the joy of their children’s innocent belief in Father Christmas. They saw Christmas as the greatest celebration of childhood yet could find nowhere that reflected how important this moment was to them.

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